Submitting your paper for the eLex 2021 proceedings

The submission of full papers is optional (i.e. you can still present at the conference even without submitting a paper for the proceedings). Authors of accepted presentations, demos and posters can submit a full paper.

Please submit your full paper in Easychair two formats:

  • using the template for MS Word or LaTeX
  • PDF file (for verification of typesetting).

All the versions of the full paper have to be submitted via Easychair.

The papers should be between 25,000–50,000 characters (with spaces) long (this includes references, footnotes etc.), regardless of the mode of presentation (oral, demo or poster). The authors using the LaTeX template, please note that you should edit only file elex.tex (and put their content into it) and compile it with pdflatex (for any further LaTeX related questions, please contact Michal Cukr at

Full paper submission is now closed. Then it will be followed by a review process, after which the reviewers’ comments (if the paper is accepted) will need to be implemented and a final version of the paper submitted by 1 June 2021. Please note that late submission may not be published in the proceedings for organizational reasons.

For the paper to be published in the proceedings, at least one of the authors must register for the conference.

The proceedings will be published under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

Instructions for extended abstracts

The extended abstracts needed to be upload to EasyChair. The template can be kept as for the full papers.

Please make sure that you:

  • added the name(s) of the author(s) of your paper,
  • and considered all reviewers’ comments.